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All posts and pages on this website are not financial advice and have been prepared without taking your objectives, financial situation or needs into account. You should consider the information appropriateness for your circumstances. All investing carries risks. Opinions expressed in this review are opinions based on my own personal experiences. The FSCS does not cover peer to peer lending, crowdlending or crowdfunding and your capital is at risk. Please don’t invest more than you can afford to lose. **
If you are unsure, you should always consult a professional before making any financial decisions. By using this website, you agreeing to the terms stating that all advice and opinions are that of the author and should not be used as financial advice.
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Peer to peer and crowdlending is risky. Your investment is not covered by the FSCS and there is a chance you could lose money. Please be aware of all risks by researching and performing due diligence. Never invest in anything you don’t fully understand.
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This site disclaimer was last updated on November 21st, 2019.